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Application of forestry
Date:2021-06-16    Hits:1137

  • Status quo of forestry

Difficulties faced by forest fire prevention

With the increase of forest construction area, forest fire has become an important factor affecting ecological environment construction. The emergence of forest fire has seriously affected the safety of forest resources. Manned helicopter high risk, especially over the fire due to air flow disorder, more floating objects, resulting in helicopter engine failure, often crash accidents.


Difficulties in monitoring drug cultivation

It is difficult to determine the area of illicit drug cultivation because of its concealment. Due to the dense forest vegetation in the forest area, the suspicious plots are extremely hidden, so it is very difficult to realize the combination of dynamic inspection and fixed-point monitoring.


Difficulties faced by forestry resources investigation and desertification detection

It is difficult to realize dynamic monitoring because of the high cost and low efficiency of forest resources investigation and desertification monitoring by manual collection.


The plight of illegal logging

Forest theft and felling depends on the great cost of forest personnel patrol, low efficiency, can not play an effective regional patrol purpose.


  • The solution

  • The operation of UAV is simple, and it can easily design the flight area, flight route and flight altitude according to the need.

  • Can be many sets, many sorties for aerial photography operations, long - time monitoring forest.

  • It is equipped with professional-grade camera, high-definition image transmission and thermal imager, which can complete image, video and thermal imaging acquisition and complete various forestry tasks.

1、Forest fire prevention

Locate the fire quickly

Use of uavs infrared and visible light camera, forest fire monitoring by the CNC remote sensing circuit fire, hot display real-time transmission to the ground station will be on the digital map of ground station, after a recognition system to determine whether the fire, and precise point positioning, provide fire for ground fire department first geographical coordinates, latitude, (with).

Quick identification of the fire

When the UAV flies over the fire site, it can also transmit the contour, area, spread speed and other data of the fire site back to the ground control center in real time to monitor the occurrence of forest fire (especially suitable for initial ignition and hidden fire) and the development of the fire site, so as to provide reliable information for the ground fire control command and improve the efficiency of fire fighting.

Provide the best evacuation route

The effective communication of various information not only enables the fire forces to quickly deploy personnel to carry out fire fighting in key areas, but also timely inform the fire personnel to evacuate dangerous areas, and provide the best evacuation path for the fire personnel according to the image data of the fire site.

2、Forest resources investigation, desert detection, drug cultivation monitoring


UAVs can take real-time photos from high altitude. For forestry resource investigation, desertification monitoring, drug monitoring, etc., they can broaden the perspective of ground inspection, greatly improve the work efficiency, and help to view the overall situation.


  • The vehicle carries the drone to the forest survey area

  • The UAV is equipped with aerial photography equipment to acquire target image data efficiently

  • Image processing software is used to process the image into a picture

  • The map provided overall regional information for forestry resource investigation, desertification monitoring, drug cultivation monitoring, etc

3、Real-time monitoring of illegal forest logging

  • According to the GPS coordinate points compiled before the inspection, the UAV will conduct automatic flight inspection

  • The UAV carries out patrol monitoring and real-time synchronous transmission to the ground station

  • Ground personnel monitor illegal felling according to patrol information and take corresponding measures to stop illegal activities