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Traffic management
Date:2021-06-10    Hits:1792

  •  Application background

In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and society, the expansion of urban scale, the accelerating process of urbanization, the rapid growth of urban population, and with the continuous improvement of residents' living standards, the rapid growth of motor vehicle ownership, traffic demand greatly increased, the original balance of traffic supply and demand was broken. Conversely urban infrastructure facilities, traffic management and the improvement of management ability to keep up with development speed, traffic demand and the existing infrastructure of defects and shortcomings exposed constantly, the traffic management level of science and technology appears more and more, traffic management means and measures at the stage of experience, grope for the state, in the growth period.

With the rapid development of China's national economy and the acceleration of the urbanization process, the status of transportation in the national economy and modern social development is becoming increasingly prominent, how to solve the problem of urban traffic congestion has become an important topic of urban sustainable development, urban road traffic management is also facing severe challenges. The traffic management department needs to make better use of the existing transportation infrastructure, improve security, improve the environment, speed up the construction of transportation infrastructure, comprehensive use of detection, communication, computer, control, GPS and GIS and other modern high-tech, It is of great significance to improve the utilization efficiency of transportation infrastructure and transportation equipment, reduce traffic pollution and speed up the handling speed of accidents.

  • Application scenarios

  • The air survey


Functional features:

UAVs are used to obtain image data of highway projects from a low altitude of 400 meters, and professional mapping software is combined to form professional mapping data.

UAV aerial surveying and mapping can not only better meet the demand of current highway aerial photography data, but also provide technical support for the survey and design work in highway construction.

The acquired image data can be directly transmitted to the command vehicle or command center through the microwave link.

  • Control patrol


Functional features:

UAVs are the most economical and efficient means of air patrol, which effectively supplement manned helicopter air patrol.

In the process of patrol, high-definition cameras can be used to take aerial photos and monitor the ground conditions in key areas for police officers to collect evidence and track down.

The collected image data can be directly transmitted to the command vehicle or command center through the microwave link for storage and filing.

  • Aerial reconnaissance


Functional features:

In urban areas, the special sections, such as commuting, holidays and other special period, severe traffic congestion occurs frequently, bring a lot of pressure to the traffic administration, uav aerial detection can in the shortest possible time the serious traffic jam or regional air overlooking the video data back to the center, convenient traffic administration as a whole, the global accurate sending police, timely and reasonable to make a deal.

In urban streets, buildings and other hot areas, can use the four-rotor UAV for aerial exploration; In areas such as highways, fixed-wing UAVs can be used for aerial reconnaissance.

  • Search and rescue


Functional features:

In today's society, natural disasters occur frequently, such as floods, earthquakes, severe weather, etc. When people suffer casualties or disappear after natural disasters, the timeliness of search and rescue will be of great importance.

Take Beijing as an example. In recent years, heavy rains and landslides have left people stranded and missing, and severe weather, such as storms and snowstorms, has led to frequent emergencies in which travelers have been stranded and missing.

When danger happens, but through the uavs video cameras and infrared remote sensing device for the full range of air search and rescue, can also be through police uavs base station equipment, no signal, such as searching for mountainous area coverage of distress signal, this function should be will greatly improve the efficiency of whole search and rescue, to ensure the safety of people's life and property.

  • Special accident site investigation


Functional features:

In view of special geographical locations such as canyons and tunnels or sites prone to secondary accidents, concerned about the safety of personnel, the maneuverability, flexibility and safety of unmanned aerial vehicles can be used to go deep into the accident site and master the first-hand information of the accident site to provide strong support for the follow-up treatment plan.

  • Traffic security


Functional features:

By using the microwave networking technology, a special microwave communication network is set up temporarily for the motorcade, so that the command vehicle can control the running status of all vehicles in the motorcade and enhance the security.

Using the maneuverability of UAV in the air, it can check the expected route and the real-time road conditions of the event site and surrounding areas in real time, so as to guarantee the route and site safety of important leaders, foreign guests and various major events.